Enabling Media Accessibility & Inclusivity

Enabling accessible and inclusive media is essential to us. It is our mission to ensure that media content is not just reachable, but also fully understandable for everyone, regardless of their abilities.

Backed by top global investors

We're making media accessible

Accessible to everyone, regardless of their vision, hearing, reading abilities, age, or cultural background.

We aim for a digital media landscape where no one feels excluded because of inaccessible content.

In a world that communicates through boundless media content, we firmly believe that every audio and video piece should be accessible and understandable to everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

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Launched in 2020

Subly is an online media accessibility platform with a mission to enable equal media access and help organisations to reach media accessibility in the simplest and most efficient way.


Minutes of media processed


Teams using the platform


Countries with users


Languages supported

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Tech & expertise, a key to media accessibility

Implementing accessibility can be challenging for businesses, small or big. They either lack extensive media creation teams or expertise. Additionally, companies are facing challenges in meeting the diverse accessibility needs of their global workforce and audiences.

These challenges have led to an increase of inaccessible media content to individuals with disabilities. Furthemore, the accessibility gap continues to widen as the media content has been exploding in recent years.

Our mission is to develop technological solutions that will help businesses, big or small, to enable media accessibility and inclusivity in the simplest and most efficient way.

With rise of AI we aim to close the media accessibility gap with our state-of-the-art technology and services. We're developing solutions that are beneficial for businesses, individuals, and society as a whole.

Subly's values

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Positive impact

We are making the world a better place through supporting inclusion, equal access and diversity.

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Extraordinarily ordinary

We value good, open and honest communication which helps us build complex projects in a constructive way.

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We challenge the status quo and continuously learn. We use technology to enhance processes and find the most pragmatic and effective solutions.

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We always aim for the most simple and effective solution to any challenge. User and customer experience is in our DNA.

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We prioritise development and wellbeing, helping our team to flourish and feel valued.

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Excellence as a team

We work collaboratively to solve complex problems and acheive ambitious goals.

Meet the Subly superheroes

Holly Stephens

Holly Stephens

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Gemma Roberts

Gemma Roberts

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Ivan Grebiniuk

Ivan Grebiniuk

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Ian Howe

Ian Howe

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David Alexander

David Alexander

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Katarina Mirković Arsić

Katarina Mirković Arsić

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Antonio Lozano

Antonio Lozano

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Francis Ashley

Francis Ashley

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Over 15,000 businesses are already on it.

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"Subly's platform became the catalyst for our transformation. We revamped our strategy by introducing on-demand videos, now accessible in all UN languages and Portuguese, thereby breaking down linguistic barriers and opening our doors to a wider audience."
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Enhanced efficiency. Global reach. Elevated accessibility.