David Alexander

David Alexander

David works on the Back-End development so you can upload your content with no fuss.

My background

My name is David Alexander. I was born and raised in London. While I haven’t moved on a permanent basis, I do like travelling and visiting different places. I am a Christian and follow my Lord Jesus. I have quite a large family - 2 sisters and a brother, I am the youngest of them all. But I'm not the spoiled one (monkey covering his eyes!).

My education

While I do love learning, being stuck in school wasn’t my cup of tea. That being said, I did complete secondary school with all 11 GCSEs. Though during the last couple of years of high school I was working on a casual basis at LEAP, 2 hours after the school days and during school holidays.

I decided that work, and an apprenticeship scheme (QA) was for me, I didn’t have any desire to go to university and I think it’s the best decision I made!

My experience

I previously worked at LEAP Legal Software, a software company providing case management software for small legal firms. After a 2 week placement in October 2014, I managed to secure a position on a casual basis for a few months, where I worked 2 hours after secondary school each day! This led to an apprenticeship with the team and then a full-time position.

In late-2019, I started working with Subly, formerly known as Take1video. Being a start up, we had to start from scratch, we built various proof-of-concepts and tried out different platforms to see what was most suitable for our needs and our budget! There have been quite a few iterations, it has boosted my confidence and ability to change.

I was contracted for Subly and then became one of the first employees. It has been a super experience and seeing the wonderful team grow has been an immense joy.

My achievements

I was the main lead developer on a project for LEAP, I built one of the first LEAP apps (a bolt-on tool to add value to the core product) from scratch to daily customers using the product. The project helped to simplify how legal firms manage Criminal and Civil Legal Aid work, it was great to work on! Joining Holly and Kevyan at Holly I have continued to build on my dev skills!

My expertise

The majority of my time at LEAP was working in C# and AngularJS/Angular2+. With Subly I work in React and NodeJS. I personally am more suited to dealing with the backend rather than the styling on the frontend but Subly really encourages me to gain new skills in different fields.

My interests

Other than my interest in programming, as you might have guessed already, I love to swim. My local pool is quite a decent size and is open air but heated when needed - there is nothing better than a winter morning swim with the steam rising from the water.

I love to learn new things and spend a lot of time debugging lines of code and on stackoverflow! I love taking part in escape rooms and chilling out by gaming with my pals too!

My career highlight

There are a few career highlights that come to mind. About two months after my 18th birthday, I was sent to Australia for a month-long business trip with LEAP. It was a great experience, one that I will never forget. This trip actually led me to meet Keyvan (Subly CTO and Co Founder) and from that we built a great friendship. Another career highlight was joining Subly, I joined very early on in the formation of the team. To see Subly grow and be successful has been an epic journey so far!