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How secure is my personal information?

We use active directory services to manage our users and don't store any sensitive user details in our database due to security measures. Such services have handled user data, access level management and are designed for scalability. Companies around the world use the same services and Subly follows the same principles. If you need our support to edit your videos online, you can request our support and we can help. For further details please see our Privacy Policy.

How are my videos saved? Are they protected against leaks and hacking?

All our content and user content is saved in the Cloud. Public Cloud Providers are one of the most secure services in the world and they maintain very high levels of security standards. When we develop our product we make sure to keep the high standards. We are constantly optimising and improving where needed and working with Engineers of our Cloud Providers very closely to ensure no data or content is compromised.

You will be the only person to access your videos unless you share your user account details or invite teammates. Our team will have access to user accounts and content for the sole purpose of developing new features or helping you with support issues.Our team keeps all data and content private. If you'd like to learn more about how we secure your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy

How secure is my video and audio file uploaded to Subly?

We take security very seriously at Subly, for our users and infrastructure. Subly is built on major suppliers which means we use the best practices, security measures and tools.
All files uploaded to Subly are encrypted and not accessible to the public. We will always work to have the best security practices to protect confidential information. We pride ourselves on this. For further details please see our Privacy Policy.

Didn't find exactly what you're looking for or have a question?

We’re here to help. Our team offer email support Monday to Friday and we always try to reply to you within 48 hours.

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